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paragraph應包含topic sentence + supporting sentences + concluding sentence。

topic sentence是每個段落的靈魂,位於每段的首要位置,具有明點出段落主旨、與主題做連結、承接段落等功能,而supporting sentences則接於topic sentence後面,用於補充說明段落內容,段落最後再由concluding sentence結尾。



Topic Sentence 主題句


✅ 點出每一段落主旨、摘要段落

✅ 承接上一段落

✅ 段落間的緩衝

英文作文的寫作方式與中文作文差異很大,必須在段落開頭就點明主旨、論點,讓讀者在看完第一句話後,便能對於這個段落有些大概的想法,這種句子叫做topic sentence,用一句話摘要整段的內容。

Sample Paragraph A

Thinking about the 1990s brings back a lot of memories for me about fashion and popular culture. During the 1990s, I really enjoyed watching Friends on television every Thursday night. I really wanted Rachel’s haircut—I think every girl wanted Rachel’s haircut back then! Rachel’s haircut went really well with the Guess Jeans that were so popular in the 1990s. I remember all the advertisements for Guess and Calvin Klein Jeans that were in each month’s Sassy magazine. I don’t think Sassy magazine exists anymore, but it was one of the most popular magazines for young women in the 1990s.

本段主題句 “Thinking about the 1990s brings back a lot of memories for me about fashion and popular culture.” 根據這段文字,讀者大概能預測整段內容是關於作者對於1990年代流行的一些回憶。


✅ 通常是段落第一句

✅ 完整句構與主題論述(controlling idea)的完整句子

✅ 清楚說明整個段落的重點,不過於狹義、偏頗、籠統


Supporting Sentences 支撐句

Supporting sentences為支持topic sentence的支撐句,接於topic sentence後方,可以舉出一些親身例子、科學數據、事實、專家建議、名言佳句等來豐富內容。


Concluding Sentence 結尾句

